Gremlin Transformation| small groups | 12 weeks | online
600 - 950 €
I start several times a year a Chapter 0 or Chapter 1 in German and/or English language. If you want to join one of the groups, please use the contact form and tell me your earliest time to start.
Gremlin Transformation Chapter 0:
In order to transform your Gremlin, you must first establish a conscious relationship with it. To do this, you must be able to clearly identify and understand your Gremlin. That's what this chapter is about.
In this chapter you get to know your Gremlin. What type is it? What are its favorite foods? What's really going on? You’ll develop a conscious relationship with your Gremlin through groupwork, exercises and initiations.
Gremlin Transformation Chapter 1:
A conscious Gremlin diet is to your underworld, what the gym is to an athlete. Your Gremlin has been feeding on your life energy, your intimacy, your integrity, and your access to your Bright Principles for a long time. You have been letting your Gremlin control your life. It's time for that to change.
After having successfully completed Chapter 0, you will have the distinctions and energy to make those changes. Chapter 1 gives you a space with high-clarity and integrity to create conscious discipline. Discover a path of healing with conscious practise, giving you the tools to transform your life.
- 12x weekly ~ 2 - 2,5 hour sessions
- GTC0 including the “Rumpelstiltskin” process and “Meet your Gremlin” initiation
- GTC1 including “Gremlin reconstruction” initiation
- Exploring Gremlin ecstasy during group sessions or in smaller Cells, regular Emotional Healing Processes (EHPs)
- 3 participants: 800-950 € p.p.
- 4 participants: 700-950 € p.p.
- 5 - 9 participants: 600-950 € p.p.
- For GTC0: Participation in a Rage Club, in an ETB and at least one LAB beforehand.
- For GTC1: Participation in GTC0. No exceptions!
- You can miss a maximum of 2 out of 12 sessions